The investment required is approximately £260k to purchase and develop the property over about a 9 month period. Approx £160 would be required at purchase and the rest in tranches to complete the development.

When the development is complete it would be financed by a bank and 75% of the end GDV (estimated at £275k) would be returned to the investor. Normally 25% would be left in the deal.

The intention is that we split the future income on a 50% - 50% basis. Any money left in the deal would first be returned upon sale to the funding investor, with any subsequent assets being split equally. There are many points to discuss here but our intention is to have an equitable arrangement with an even split of the benefits and a share of the risks. We would create a separate limited Liability company and have a JV agreement which would protect all parties.

To find out why this works click here. To download our one page summary click here.